Movies of feeding behavior in vermivorous, molluscivorous, and piscivorous species of Conus in captivity, showing injection of venom through the hypodermic needle-like radular teeth and prey capture. Click on the image to view the movie. If you are having trouble viewing these movies please, see the Help Page.
Molluscivorous feeding: Conus textile. Filmed by the late P.R. Saunders.
Molluscivorous feeding: Conus textile. Filmed by the late P.R. Saunders.
Piscivorous feeding: Conus tulipa. Filmed by Dr. Shigeo Yoshiba.
Piscivorous feeding: Conus catus. Filmed by Schulz, Norton and Gilly.
Piscivorous feeding: Conus catus. Filmed by Schulz, Norton and Gilly.
Piscivorous feeding: Conus striatus. Filmed by the late P.R. Saunders.