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Coomans, H.E., Moolenbeek, R.G., and Wils, E. 1983. Alphabetical revision of the (sub)species in recent Conidae. 6. cabritiis to cinereus. Basteria, 47: 67-143.
Coomans, H.E., Moolenbeek, R.G., and Wils, E. 1983. Alphabetical revision of the (sub)species in recent Conidae. 7. cingulatus to cylindraceus, including Conus shikamai nomen novum. Basteria, 48: 223-311.
Emerson, W.K., and Old, W.E., Jr. 1962. Results of the Puritan-American Museum of Natural History expedition to western Mexico. 16. The recent mollusks: Gastropoda: Conidae. Amer. Mus. Novitates, no. 2112. 44p.
Filmer, R.M. 2001. A catalogue of nomenclature and taxonomy in the living Conidae 1758-1998. Backhuys, Leiden. 388 pp.
Kaicher, S.D. 1977. Card catalogue of world-wide shells. Pack Nos. 12 & 13, Conidae Parts II and III. Arcade Lithographing Co., Bradenton, Florida.
Kohn, A.J. 1983. Computerized catalogue of Recent and fossil Conus. Jour. Moll. Stud., 49: 243-244.
Kohn, A.J., and Riggs, A.C. 1979. Catalogue of recent and fossil Conus, 1937-1976. Jour. Moll. Stud., 45:131-147.
Melville, R.V. & Smith, J.D.D. 1987. Official lists and indexes of names and works in zoology. London: ITZN.
Monteiro, A., Fernandes, C., and Rolán, E. 1996. A new species in the genus Conus from Boavista Island, Cape Verde Islands. World Shells, 12: 8-13.
Tomlin, J.R. LeB. 1937. Catalogue of recent and fossil cones. Proc. Malacol. Soc. London, 22:202-330, 333.