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Streaming Video Help:

Please Note:

All of the following is useful information if this site continued to use the Flash video format, but it no longer does. The following suggestions might be useful if you are having trouble with the videos in other formats, but these videos are no longer in Flash format and so it is futile to follow the instructions that are specifically about this format. [T. Duda, 16-July-2024]

Help with Flash:

All local videos have been converted to Flash to improve compatibility with various browsers and operating systems. Remotely accessed videos may be in other formats, they are all currently Quicktime so we have left the help section on Quicktime below.

For help with Flash we suggest the Adobe support page. If you haven't already download the player.

Help with Quicktime:

Is Quicktime Player installed on my computer?

You can check to see if Quicktime is installed by going to the Quicktime Troubleshooting page. If it is not, or if you have an older version, point your browser to the Quicktime download page to download the latest version of Quicktime Player.

Is the Quicktime browser plug-in installed and configured correctly?

To view Quicktime files in your browser, the Quicktime browser plug-in must be installed. You can check to see if this is the case by going to the Quicktime Troubleshooting page. If the Quicktime logo is visible at the bottom of the page, the plug-in is properly installed.

Can I access ANY Quicktime movie?

To check if you can access ANY streamed Quicktime movies go to the Quicktime Troubleshooting page. If you can see the animated Quicktime logo at the bottom of the page, the plug-in is properly configured for seeing most movies but may not be configured for our website.

I can see the movie on the Quicktime Troubleshooting page, why can't I see movies on the Conus Biodiversity Website?

For streaming Quicktime movies this website uses port 554 for RTSP/TCP and data and ports 6970 through 6999 for RTP/UDP data. To check whether or not you can access streaming on our site open the Quicktime Player and click Edit > Preferences > Quicktime preferences > Streaming transport. Check the radio button that says "UDP, RTSP Port ID 554". Then return to the Quicktime Troubleshooting page. If you can still see the animated QuickTime logo at the bottom of the page, the plug-in is able to use these ports. If you cannot then you are most likely behind a firewall, and that it is configured to block Quicktime streaming files that are not streamed over port 80. After completing the test please remember to change your Quicktime settings back to "Automatically determine the best protocol...".

How do I tell my firewall to allow streaming files over RTSP port 554?

This may be a difficult issue to solve and may be best handled by your system administrator. If you have a cable/DSL modem and a router with NAT firewall:

  1. Open the Web-based interface for the router
  2. Select Advanced and choose "Port forwarding" (wording may differ for your router)
  3. Open port 554 for RTSP/TCP data
  4. Open ports 6970 through 6999 (inclusive) for RTP/UDP data.

Consult your router's documentation for specific instructions on configuring port forwarding.

For a software firewall, you need to allow Quicktime access to the same ports as above, and it may be as simple as viewing the movies on our site while logged in as an administrator and "unblocking" Quicktime when the firewall asks you whether or not to allow access. If it isn't that simple:

  1. Open your firewall software
  2. Navigate to program control (skip to 5), blocked programs (skip to 5) or ports (3 & 4 skip 5)
  3. Open port 554 for RTSP/TCP data
  4. Open ports 6970 through 6999 (inclusive) for RTP/UDP data.
  5. Alternatively to 3 and 4 above, you may be able to manually unblock Quicktime
What if I get an "Error 404" message?

There are two possibilities for an "Error 404" message. First, the file that you asked for is not on our server or may be misspelled. Second, your configuration is not allowing you to get to the file on our server. Please follow the steps above to determine whether or not you can access streaming files.

What do I do next?

If you've followed all the steps above and are still unable to receive Quicktime streaming files from our website, you may find the information on the Quicktime website helpful. If all else fails, please feel free to contact us, although our ability to troubleshoot your problem may be limited.

What do I do if the video doesn't play smoothly or stops? Or how can I see a bigger movie?

We are providing different versions of each video for various connection speeds. The quality and size of the streamed video is proportional to the connection speed chosen in Quicktime setup. To make sure you have set the correct connection speed for Quicktime Player in the Quicktime window in your browser click the down arrow on the right and select Connection Speed, or open the Quicktime Player and click Edit > Preferences > Quicktime preferences > Connection Speed. Select the speed that matches your Internet connection. If the video stops and starts you may also want to increase the amount of delay before the video starts (instant-On).