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  Conus semivelatus Sowerby iii, 1882.


Sowerby (iii), G. B. III, 1882. Descriptions of new species of shells in the collection of Mr. J. Cosmo Melvill. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London: 117 -121 .Download the original work for this citation in PDF Format (2.56 MB)

New Species-Group Names:

  • dianthus Sowerby iii, 1882. p. 118. pl. 5. f. 4.  View Species Images
  • euetrios Sowerby iii, 1882. p. 120. pl. 5. f. 6.  View Species Images
  • evelynae Sowerby iii, 1882. p. 117. pl. 5. f. 2.  View Species Images
  • prytanis Sowerby iii, 1882. p. 117. pl. 5. f. 1.  View Species Images
  • semivelatus Sowerby iii, 1882. p. 118. pl. 5. f. 3.  View Species Images
  • wilmeri Sowerby iii, 1882. p. 118. pl. 5. f. 5.  View Species Images

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