Conus ptychodermis Tate, 1890.
Tate, R., 1890. The Gastropods of the Older Tertiary of Australia. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, 13 (2 ).
New Species-Group Names:
acrotholoides Tate, 1890. p. 199. pl. viii. f. 7.
atractoides Tate, 1890. p. 200.
complicatus Tate, 1890. p. 195. pl. viii. f. 8.
cuspidatus Tate, 1890. p 194. pl. 7. f 1. 1a.
dennanti Tate, 1890. pl. xi. f. 7.
extenuatus Tate, 1890. p. 199. pl. viii. f. 1.
hamiltonensis Tate, 1890. p. 200. pl. viii. f. 3.
heterospira Tate, 1890. p. 197. pl. 7. f. 5.
huttoni Tate, 1890. p. 198.
ligatus Tate, 1890. p. 196. pl. 7. f. 4. pl. 8. f. 9.
murravianus Tate, 1890. p. 200. pl. 7. f. 2.
ptychodermis Tate, 1890. p. 195. pl. 7. f. 3.
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