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  Conus princeps Linnaeus, 1758.

  1. 1931, Grant & Gale. Mem. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist. 1: 475., Pleistocene.
  2. 1936, Jordan. Contr. Dept. Geol. Stanford Univ. 1: 113, Pleistocene.
  3. 1950, Durham. G.S.A. Mem.43 pt.II: 100, Upper Pliocene.

  • Species and Author: princeps Linnaeus
  • Record Author: Grant & Gale
  • Record Date: 1931
  • Citation: Mem. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist. 1: 475.
  • Epoch: Pleistocene
  • Country or State: Mexico
  • Region: NA
  • Location: Coast of Oaxaca

  • Species and Author: princeps Linnaeus
  • Record Author: Jordan
  • Record Date: 1936
  • Citation: Contr. Dept. Geol. Stanford Univ. 1: 113
  • Epoch: Pleistocene
  • Country or State: Mexico
  • Region: NA
  • Location: "Magdalena Bay, Baja California"

  • Species and Author: princeps Linnaeus
  • Record Author: Durham
  • Record Date: 1950
  • Citation: G.S.A. Mem.43 pt.II: 100
  • Epoch: Pliocene
  • Subepoch: Upper
  • Country or State: Mexico
  • Region: NA
  • Location: "Carmen Is., Gulf of California"
  • Updates:  (Loc. from Hanna (1963)).

The paleo database lists all literature records of fossil Conus that have come to our attention. Each record comprises the following entries: species and author, record author, record date and literature citation of the record, epoch and subepoch, formation or group, country or state, geographic region, and location. Only those categories with information in the original record are listed. In general, the database contains raw data, that is the species and stratigraphic determinations are as stated by the original authors and have not been critically reviewed. However, in some cases where modifications of stratigraphic positions or species determination since the original publication have come to our attention, these are also given, in a row labeled 'Updates.' These include subsequent designations of epoch, stage, and taxonomic revision, and the reference.

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